Saturday, October 31, 2009




I could not belong to all these places at the same time. I would become nuts….



Digital Scrapbooking Kit 2 Backgrounds


Starting into Scrapbooking these are two backgrounds I made using PSE8. They are for personal use only. Please credit to this address if using them. Comments are always welcome.

Thanks for watching.





Backgrounds are 3600px each. (12 inches – 300dpi)

Click over the image below to have a look at the kit:

Kit 1 -2 Purple Backgrounds

To download the kit please click on the icon. Happy Scrapping!


The Artist

“There are two artists myths, one says that an artist will have acclaim and rises at some point of his life but that his life will be longer than his fame and wealth. That he will fade into obscuity, all the more bitter rfor having once known such shining acceptance.

The other myth is the polar opposite of the first, and it says that a deserving artist will be ignored, impoverished, demoralized on his lifetime, onlyy to be “discovered” by later generations whi will laud him endlessly.”

Whitney Otto: The Passion Dream Book, pages 8-9

The Passion Dream Book


So many tuts so little time…

Today I have started my first lesson on Scrapbooking. I mean the serious ones, not just the ones I take while I random different places and taking more advanced lessons, thus letting me a bit exhausted! I have started with the basics and learned tips that I really didn’t know. These lessons are going to take me many days, probably weeks, but while I learn I will be able to start creating my own embellishments, and kits. I like the idea of using other great creator’s kits, be them free or not. In fact, I have just finished scrapbooking a lovely poster that I intend to print at the lab, as my new printer has A3 dimensions which is good but not for big posters. I see the fabulous creations people do and I feel inspired. I also love drawing myself certain little designs for children mainly, very sweet, so perhaps I will upload them to deviantart. I will see.

I also have to start with lessons for Adobe Photoshop Elements and especially Adobe Acrobat. I want to get a Bamboo kit, this is so important!

Although I love PSP I realize that there is a great way of developing creativity using Adobe Photoshop so I will do that too, lots of tutorials here and there, I need to make a weekly list, if not I could become nuts!

Scrapbooking is lovely, it is what allows us to do things for others and also to create things for our own satisfaction. Ah, internet is always helping out with Scrapbooking.



Thursday, October 29, 2009

Amour New IM Stat


This new IM Stat is based on a Tutorial by Lauren. I enjoy so very much Monestier drawings and designs belonging to the beginning of the century, so I decided to use this romantic image as the main subject of this letter. I hope you will enjoy. As always your comments are very welcome. They will be very well received if you decide to use this stat. Thanks for watching.



Click on this image to check a higher size and appearance:

To download this stat for Incredimail, please click on the icon:


Violets Png File Embellishment



From a Vintage Postcard here is a png embellishment that you can download in rar compression.





The full preview in actual pixels:



Click on icon to download the file


If using please give credit. For personal use. Your comments are welcome!

Thanks for watching


Tuesday, October 27, 2009



Autumn has finally arrived and the weather becomes rainy, windy, cloudy. I have new lovely boots by Camila Casas, they are made in veal, and I am getting ready to go out and visit my father but first I will go with my mom to the city and recover a silver pendant that was broken.  Thanks God I have a warranty!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Deco Element


Tube for personal use only. Credit if using. Thanks for watching.







Here is how it looks like. Click on image to see full preview:

To download the tube follow this Link


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nostalgia that will never die…

Sándor Járóka Sr. (1922-1984) Recorded from Hungary Television 1972

Bellflower Misted Tube


A misted tube off Bellflowers I took during an excursion. For Personal Use Only. Credit if using it. Thanks.






Here is how it looks. Click to see full preview:

To download this psp mist, follow this Link


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Out to the city

 u It was funny the other day at the Chinese restaurant where a man was sitting two tables ahead and backwards. He would move his right hand and fingers as if talking to himself. we were quite amazed and i started imaging what he would be talking about. He drank a bottle of wine then asked for another one. We all at the table were trying to guess what was going on when suddenly I did not want to wait for more and walked past him to discover that he was writing music! And it was all.

Keeping away from negative influence is what I have been doing the last couple of days.

And still saying that life is beautiful like this afternoon, far from the noises, alone we all three around a nice table in a very old restaurant that believe it or not dates from before 1492…

Bonne Annee PsP Tube


Tube created with PSP. Image found on the web. I do not claim this drawing but the software edited tubed image. I hope you like.






This is how it looks like:

To see the full preview, click on image above.

To download the tube, follow this Link.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Metal Embellishment


This element is excellent for scrapbooking. For personal Use Only. Credit if using  it. Thanks for watching.






To see how it looks in original  pixels, click on the image below:


To download the psp file, follow this Link

To download the image as png archive, follow this Link


Monday, October 19, 2009

Names old and new

Furcy, Le Perchoir, Boutillier, Quai des Bossales, Akassan, Hotel Dambala, rue du Mexique, Coconut Villa Hotel and Pool, the Palace, Rue Bonne Foi, Petit Goave,



rue du mexique


rue bonnefoi

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dr. William Montgomery McGovern

Dr. William Montgomery McGovern

Dr. William Montgomery McGovern
(September 28, 1897 – December 12, 1964)
Dr. William Montgomery McGovern was an American adventurer, Northwestern University professor, anthropologist and journalist. He is credited with being the first Westerner to enter the Tibetan capital of Lhasa and was possibly an inspiration for the character of Indiana Jones...



WWW Stendhal Syndrome



It is great to have connections over internet regarding all sorts of things and subjects we like/enjoy. But after sometime I have discovered that some places are perhaps less appealing to me and frankly I could not say why exactly. So today I received a comment that I should approve on one of my pages inviting me to be a member of a group at yahoo dedicated to Clara Bow…. Clara Bow is one of  the silent actress I have seen less movies about. I like her allure, her pose and I know there is a serious association dedicated to this actress. I remember only Pandora’s Box featuring CB. I have read a lot about her about three years ago. I do not have time to do all the things I like. I would become nuts. And this is what Internet can give us, a magical extremely vast array of places where one can get immersed for hours without realizing. Then, feel tired and still wanting to see more. The Stendhal Syndrome right in front of your computer.

Misted Tube . Salon de Paris, Abel Boye. Juillet


I like the Salon de Paris series. Especially for creating Incredimail stats, tags and tubes, like this one that I wanted to make it misted and with a background combining the image. If using, please credit. Comments are welcome and you may upload this misted tube but keeping all the files intact including the credit. Thanks for looking.



Here is how this misted tube looks like in lower resolution:

To download the file, follow this Link.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

It’s True…

I thought it was a pure illusion and that I could spend the whole day without having coffee. It works sometimes… others I just need the cup of hot and sweet coffee after a hard time or difficult time. Today I found out that the coke my bro spilled over the keyboard /and that we thought it was cleaned/ has appeared in a way that did not allow me to write anything. goodness…! I had nevertheless cleaned everything the best I could but today it came again, sweet hard syrup under some keystrokes… NO! I removed all keys, cleaned everything, a little plastic chip jumped and I decided to find it afterwards… Then, I could not find it so the Y could not be fixed. I looked over the floor with my brother. We seemed stupid treasure hunters…. to no avail. Then, I quit. My  head was hurting too much. And when I thought I would have to find a time next week to get this little piece of plastic… then I see it over the table, when we both had been looking for it. My brother thought I was joking, I said no, but then… yes, really I needed a cup of hot coffee, I felt so bad.

And yes, it helps although my headache is not completely gone… I had to check for very tiny numbers in the plastic devices to install the keys… I felt like in Lost with those strange numbers… and tonight I will watch Lost, two chapters while I eat a Durun and drink Coke… extremely away from my sweet Dell…



Friday, October 16, 2009

New Myrna Curlicues Incredimail Stat



I made this new stat based upon tutorial Curlicues Background © By Rose AKA JewelsGems. The tutorial can be found here and here. I have used my mist and an embellishment by Nikki. To download this letter to your Incredimail Letters, please follow this Link


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Haitian Folklore


Have you heard of Martha Jean Claude? I heard a few of her songs, in Creole and also in Spanish. But especially one that I cannot recall its title where she speaks about a group of people who go in the night with a candle following a pilgrimage or some sort of voodoo festivity. I just loved so much this song. And no way to find it without knowing first its title…

Sunday, October 11, 2009



Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mirna Loy Misted Tube


A misted tube made for personal use. If using please credit. Comments are welcome.






Here is the file in low resolution. Click to see in normal resolution.


To download the file follow this link




Friday, October 9, 2009

As in Jacmel, as in Montrouis…


Little has changed from these kodachromes taken in 1949. The same style, the beauty and ugliness and above all the same “hope” that can be felt in each corner of the peasants in the countryside. Haiti with a lovely glamour declined afterwards and became the sad sun rising everyday in muddy waters…

Old Time Beauty
This is a Flickr badge showing public items from the Jazzy Era, Fabulous Flapper FUN group pool. Make your own badge here.


Vintage Blogs


My Daily Vintage Magazine About Everything | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates
